Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My hard times are a comin'

I have come to realize that while K struggled to let go of her work and tasks and let me take them on, I am now struggling to let go of them and give them back!!  I am a "doer" and I have discovered that it is difficult for me to stop "doing" for K and ler her to take back the things that she is able to do.  For those of you who know me well, this is probably not a surprise!   However, since I have never been in this sort of situation before, this is a growth challenge for me and it will be an interesting next couple of weeks.  I told K that she will need to be direct about what she wants to do and make it clear that I need to back off and let her do the work/tasks.  I have also asked her to be patient as I adjust to this new role.  Wow...God provides some very interesting growth experiences on this path!

Just my random thoughts for today.  Off to the resort to make a spaghetti supper for the youth camp group!

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