Thursday, June 9, 2011

Measure twice and cut once...really good advice!

The day started out rather hectic when my alarm did not go off at 5 AM and Bill woke me up at 5:25.  We really needed to be on the road by 6:00 as I needed to be on line for work by 10:00 and it is a 3 1/2 hour drive (at a minimum) to get back up north.  So we rushed around like chickens with our heads cut off, including still having wet laundry that had to be sorted as some came up with us and some stayed in St. Cloud.  We got going about 10 minutes late but, of course, I had forgotten to put gas in the car and we didn't have time to grab breakfast so that was another stop (although I do really like Egg McMuffins so this was not too tough!).  Since we usually make the trip in the evening, I also did not factor in the road construction on Highway 371...needless to say I had to contact a co-worker to kick off the 10:00 meeting!  For those of you who know how I drive and how Bill drives, the only reason I was only 20 minutes late is that I drove most of the way!!  I love my husband but he just does not drive fast...which is a good thing when we are meandering on a trip but not so good when timelines are tight.

When K came back from chemo (which went really well and she is feeling pretty darn good), we did not have any cabin cleaning to do so we decided to put up a border in the lodge bathroom.  It is a really cute border that has outhouses on it (see pic below).  So we decided to put the border up on 2 walls and we held it up and bent the edges to get the general length.  While K went and got the level and utility knife, I decided I would jump right in and get the pieces cut.  I drew a nice straight line with a book and made a nice straight cut and since I was doing such a great job, I cut both pieces.  I proudly carried it into the bathroom and held it up to the wall and was totally shocked to discover that I had cut the piece too short...guess I used the wrong bend in the border for the cut.  The advice to measure twice and cut once is VERY good advice.  After swearing a little and apologizing profusely, we decided that we could cut a whole new piece for one wall and put the seam behind the door on the other wall.   We very carefully measured the new pieces and the border does look good!

We then decided to clean the pop fridge and move the shelves so that we could group some stuff together on the shelves.  While I have my head deep in the cooler wiping down the bottom shelf, it reminded me of Hansel and Gretel and the kids in the oven, so I shouted, "Shut the oven door!".  However, when I figured out that this meant K was a bad witch, I explained that I did not really mean it that way.  We had a good laugh and she did proceed to try to push me in while I was cleaning.  However, I do believe that some of that may have been payback for me squirting her with water the other day when we were watering the flower beds.  Here is a picture of one of the expanded flower beds with a really cool slice of a tree trunk.

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