Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mushroom Pics

Bill, K, and D found a nice patch of morel mushrooms on Sunday afternoon and we had them for supper on Sunday.  D battered 1/2 of them and sauteed them all in butter.  Oh, man, were they good!  Bill took these pictures of the delicious little mushrooms:

K went to the doctor yesterday and got 1/2 the staples removed but still has 1 drain.  She goes back on Thursday to get the rest of the staples removed and maybe the drain (depending on the drainage rate).  She also goes to the oncologist on Thursday and then we will find out the next steps in treatment but we expect chemo and radiation.

I did my first "turn over" cleaning yesterday and it is not really much different than initial cleaning but not quite as comprehensive.  I am still pretty slow at it but we got the trash and bedding removed from all of the cabins, started washing bedding and I got one cabin kitchen and bathroom cleaned.  Other than the 2 cabins that are rented all week, we don't have new guests coming in until Friday so there is not a big rush on the turn over.  Bill spent the afternoon riding the lawn mower and got about 1/2 done with the mowing...lots of lawn to mow!

Bill and I went fishing in the evening and I caught a perch right away so we were thinking we might get enough for a meal but no such luck.  I had one other perch that I lost as I am still not great at setting my hook or remembering to keep the tip of the rod up to keep tension!  Bill had a couple of bites and caught one little perch.  It was a clear still evening and it was absolutely incredible to see the reflection of the trees on the lake.  It felt like I was looking up when I was looking down!  The full moon was coming up as we were heading in and made the whole scene incredibly magical. 

Life is good and we are grateful.

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